Disruptive Classroom Behavior

Disruptive Classroom Behavior

Obstruction or disruption of teaching negatively affects students’ ability to learn. In order to foster a campus culture of respect and civility, it is important to articulate expectations, engender discussion and respond to problems consistently. At EMU students are expected to maintain standards of personal integrity in harmony with the mission of the university.

While the university environment is a place where free exchange of ideas and concepts can take place in an atmosphere that allows for debate and disagreement, all classroom behavior and discourse should reflect the values of respect and civility. Students and teachers alike are responsible for creating and maintaining an environment conducive to learning that reflects these values.

Classroom disruption by students constitutes a serious breach of university behavioral expectations (see Life Together: Commitments for a Community of Learning). Faculty members are encouraged to respond to disruptive behaviors to the learning environment, and they may require students to leave the class pending discussion and resolution of the concerns. Faculty should feel free to consult with their respective dean or the dean of students.

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