Class Attendance Policy

Class Attendance Policy


If a student who is not on the official class list attends class or if a student on the roster does not report to class, the teacher should notify the Registrar's Office as soon as possible.

For optimal learning students are expected to attend class regularly. Faculty should clearly communicate with students (in class and on syllabus) what engagement looks like in their classroom. If there are penalties for not attending, those should be specified. Students with an excused absence (varsity athletic contest, class field trip, etc.) will not be penalized for missing class and will be given an opportunity to make up any work that was missed during class time. Students should always notify the professor ahead of time when missing for an excused absence.  Alternative assignments can be provided for activities that are difficult to replicate, such as labs or daily quizzes. 

Faculty should be alert to students' absences and are expected to submit regular attendance reports via Moodle.  After a student has accrued two unexcused absences, the faculty member should contact the student to discuss the situation. At the third absence the faculty member should report the absences to the assistant provost for student success, via an alert in Navigate, email, or phone call. For students who continue to accrue unexcused absences, faculty members should continue to communicate with the assistant provost for student success. Any student not attending class for two consecutive weeks may be administratively withdrawn from the course. Faculty are expected to keep an accurate record of attendance as a specific “date of last attendance” is required to assure proper levels of tuition and aid refunds.

An undergraduate student considering withdrawal during the semester is asked to counsel with the assistant provost for student success. Faculty members are urged to report to the assistant provost for student success cases where an undergraduate student is considering withdrawing or not returning the EMU during the subsequent semester.


Graduate students considering withdrawal during the semester are asked to counsel with their respective program director. The program director will assist the student with the proper procedures for official withdrawal from the university. Seminary students considering withdrawal are asked to counsel with the associate dean or the dean of the seminary.

Responsible Party

The provost is responsible for this policy.

Policy Review

This policy is reviewed every three years.

Policy Distribution

Employee Handbook

Approved by Provost's Council, December 2020

Revised and approved by Provost’s Council, May 16, 2023

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