Career Services and Testing Services/Academic Success Center

Career Services and Testing Services/Academic Success Center

Career Services is available through individual assistance, workshops, classroom presentations, and online resources. You will find information and resources for assessments, career planning, job searching, résumés and cover letters, interviews, and graduate school preparation on the Career Services website: http://www.emu.edu/careers. It will be to your advantage to become acquainted with resources in Career Services early in your program. Career Services also provides *testing services for CLEP, DSST, OPI, proctoring for online courses (for college credit) and MAT (graduate school entrance exam): http://www.emu.edu/careers/testing. *Education majors should complete all testing requirements prior to student teaching.

The university grants credit for general and subject examinations in the College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) and DANTES Subject Standardized Tests (DSST). Information on the CLEP/DSST programs may be obtained by contacting the career services office.

The Academic Success Center, located on third floor of the Hartzler Library, is a valuable resource to you. Referrals to the Academic Success Center are also made by faculty when you need assistance with improving reading, writing, and/or mathematics skills. The Center offers individual and small group tutoring. The Academic Success Center also provides academic support and advocacy for students with documented disabilities. www.emu.edu/academic/success/

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