Summer Loading for Program Directors Policy

Summer Loading for Program Directors Policy

Program directors with summer workloads for program administrative work will be subject to the conditions below:

The academic dean will complete the administrative loading rubric to determine the summer work load. Summer loading is in addition to the nine-month contract (August 15 – May 15). 

The additional overload pay is at the Lecturer rate (75% of the regular rate), with a cap of $1700/SH. [Note: $1700/SH is slightly more than the Lecturer rate for a Category 1 Associate Professor with 5 steps.]

In the administrative loading rubric, categories 1 through 7 determine academic year pay, and category 8 (“year-round program”) determines summer loading. Summer term is ALWAYS the last term of a fiscal year loading [FA, SP, SU].

Summer loading is based on the 60:1 formula. Program directors working approximately 100 additional hours in the summer (between May 15 and August 15) would receive 2 SH of loading in category 8.

The appointment letters will state 1.) if a given program director is expected to perform duties during the summer and 2.) the additional pay to be received for summer work.

Current (as of 2021) program directors who have prior agreements, will have provisions that exempts them from this policy.  

Administrative Loading Rubric Grid:
  1. Every program, regardless of size, is awarded one baseline hour.
  2. Each accredited program is awarded 2 hours, albeit during an accreditation cycle there is additional loading per Institutional Effectiveness Office guidelines on accreditation preparation. 
  3. Student enrollment numbers are calculated based on majors or those enrolled in graduate programs as of the fall. From 0 to 10 majors no hours are added, with .5 hours added for each increase of 10 majors.
  4. Number of adjuncts is also calculated based on contracts as of fall. For every 3 adjuncts .5 hours are awarded.
  5. Programs who are collaborating with other universities or instructional sites (e.g., Lancaster) are awarded .5 hours.
  6. “Other Considerations” include expectations of new program development, including taking curriculum online in the coming year.
  7. “Program Complexity” includes the number of degree programs offered and thus the assessment requirements (PACE/SPOL).
  8. “Year Round” means that there are significant administrative expectations on the program director in the summer.

Approved by Provost’s Council

October 19, 2021 

Responsible party

The provost is responsible for this policy.

Policy Review

This policy is to be reviewed every year.


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