Contract Review Process for Faculty in Three-year Non-tenure Track Contracts

Contract Review Process for Faculty in Three-year Non-tenure Track Contracts

Annual contract faculty may be awarded successive three-year contracts after three successful years of program domains of Teaching, Service, and Scholarship on annual contracts.

For faculty in the consecutive three-year contract system, the review process prior to the first three-year contract is initiated in the spring of the second annual contract year and consists of the following steps. (Subsequent three-year contracts follow the same process, except for slight variations in the portfolio that is submitted.

  1. By April 1 prior to the first three-year contract, the respective dean contacts the faculty member and their program director indicating it is time for the review process. 
  2. By April 15, the program director sends a letter to the dean, indicating program support for the faculty and anticipated need for the faculty member’s on-going service to the program, as well as clarification of performance expectations and contributions in the domains of Service and Scholarship.
  3. By May 1, based on a letter of support from the program director, the dean sends a letter of eligibility for a three-year contract to the faculty member. The dean’s letter also outlines the review process. The letter is copied to the program director.
  4. By June 15 the faculty member sends a letter of intent to request promotion, if eligible (see below)
  5. By October 1, the faculty member submits a portfolio of the following materials to the dean:
    1. Class Visit Evaluation form: To be completed by at least one tenure-track or a long-term colleague, which includes a meeting with the faculty member to review the results. The observer submits the class-visit evaluation form to the dean with a copy to the faculty member.
    2. Self Evaluation Form: reflecting on achievements, contributions, and areas for growth in the domains of Teaching and Service
    3. Curriculum Vitae
    4. Affirmation of the Life Together policy
    5. Personal Statement of Faith & Life (for subsequent contracts, an update or affirmation)
    6. Annual Professional Development Goals, in which student evaluations are addressed, from the preceding two years (for subsequent contracts, the preceding three years)
  6. By November 1, the dean reviews the materials submitted, in consultation with (other long-term) members of the program and the program director. 
  7. By November 15, the dean meets with the faculty member to discuss strengths and concerns or areas for growth.
  8. By December 15, the dean submits the completed faculty candidate materials along with a recommendation memo to the provost.   
  9. By January 15, the dean reviews the submitted report in consultation with the provost and notifies the faculty candidate and program director of the outcome of the review.


After completion of one three-year contract and at least six years of full-time service at the assistant professor rank, faculty members on continuing three-year contracts may be eligible for promotion to the rank of associate professor. The Faculty Status Committee reviews the recommendation from the Dean and candidate’s materials at the spring meeting and makes a decision regarding promotion.

The minimum criteria for promotion to associate professor are “proficient” performance in Teaching and “competent” performance in Service and Scholarship (note that scholarship is part of promotion contract reviews only - the dean should begin counseling the faculty member well before the promotion request to engage in appropriate scholarship activity in preparation for promotion to associate professor). 

Promotion is based on merit, not years of experience, and can be considered during any regular contract-renewal process.  Successful candidates for promotion will demonstrate some achievement beyond minimal competency expectations for Service or Scholarship.  Promotion will be considered at the same time as contract renewal, considering the same portfolio of supporting evidence.

Approved by Provost’s Council, April 16, 2024

Approved by Provost’s Council, June 15, 2021

Responsible party

The provost is responsible for this policy.

Policy Review

This policy is to be reviewed every three years.


Employee Handbook

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