Sociology Major (39 SH)
Jenni Holsinger, advisor
The field of sociology provides a well-established platform for the study of how social relations, institutions, and communities shape us and how we, in turn, shape them. The major invites students to actively engage with a vision for just communities, offering students the opportunity to generate scholarship and activism that addresses significant and complex social problems facing our world today.
The sociology major includes concentrations in criminal justice, environmental studies, planning and public administration, human and social services, anthropology, and business and management. The major creates a pathway for students to enter work opportunities related to law, management, community development, religious ministry, environmental planning, public policy, and many other professions.
As part of the sociology major at EMU, students are involved in an innovative collaboration among Mennonite educational institutions, having the opportunity to take courses from faculty members at Bluffton University (Ohio) and Goshen College (Indiana). These courses are offered in various distance education formats.
The major consists of the following 39 SH:
Required Core Courses (21 SH)
- STAT 120 Descriptive Statistics - 2
- SOC 101 Introduction to Sociology - 3
- SOC 210 Social Stratification
OR SOWK 360 Race and Gender - 3
- SOC 225 Theories of Social Change - 3
- SOC 336 Methods of Social Research - 3
- SOC 392 Junior Seminar in Social Research (shared online with the collaborative) - 3
- SOC 409 Field Experience - 3
- SOC 410 Senior Capstone - 1
OR SSC 490 Social Sciences Capstone - 2
Sociology Electives
Choose 12 SH from the following courses:
- PXD 365 Social and Political Economy - 3
- SOC 201 Sociology of Health - 3
- SOC 210 Social Stratification
OR SOWK 360 Race and Gender - 3
- SOC 245 Environment and Society - 3
- *SOC 255 Social Movements - 3
- SOC 330 Family in the Social Context - 3
- *SOC 350 Urban Sociology - 3
- *SOC 360 Criminology - 3
- *SOC 430 Environmental Justice - 3
- SOC 442 Teaching of Sociology - 1-3
Micro-Level Processes
Choose 3 SH from the following courses:
- BUAD 221 Principles of Management - 3
- BUAD 331 Organizational Behavior - 3
- BUAD 465 Project Management and Grantwriting - 3
- ECON 211 Principles of Microeconomics - 3
- *PXD 261 Community and Conflict Analysis Techniques - 3
- PXD 341 Mediation and Facilitation - 3
- PXD 331 Restorative Justice and Trauma Awareness - 3
- *PXD 451 Program Evaluation - 3
- PSYC 221 Social Psychology - 3
- PSYC 301 Psychology of Interpersonal Relationships - 3
- SOWK 200 Social Behavior and Diversity - 3
Macro-Level Processes and Social Institutions
Choose 3-4 SH from the following courses:
- ECON 201 Survey of Economics - 3
- ECON 212 Principles of Macroeconomics - 3
- *ENVS 235 Sustainable Food Systems - 2
- POL 112 American Politics - 2
- *POL 230 International Norms and Institutions - 3
- *POL 250 Law, Justice and the Local Context - 3
- PXD 375 Globalization and Justice - 3
- PXD 485 Global Development - 3
- SOWK 220 History and Philosophy of Social Welfare - 3
- SOWK 330 Social Policy Analysis - 3
- SPAN 330 Immigration Issues - 3
Additional courses offered by Bluffton University or Goshen College may substitute for major requirements with advisor approval.