Peacebuilding Major (36-38 SH)
Deanna Durham and Timothy Seidel, advisors
Whereas the peacebuilding and development (PXD) major is designed for students who want a focus in both peacebuilding and development, the peacebuilding major is designed as a stand-alone major for students particularly interested in careers in conflict transformation and restorative justice.
Peacebuilding explores efforts designed to consolidate peaceful relations and strengthen viable political, socio-economic and cultural institutions capable of mediating conflict, and to strengthen other mechanisms that will either create or support the necessary conditions for sustained peace. Peacebuilding addresses structural issues and long-term relationships between conflicting parties with the goal of establishing infrastructure across levels of society that empowers the resources for reconciliation from within that society and maximizes contributions from outside. It includes a wide range of activities that contribute to helping societies meet needs by handling conflict and promoting constructive, nonviolent ways of dealing with issues.
This major benefits students with bi-vocational interests. It cannot be taken as a double major with the PXD major or the global development major. Peacebuilding majors have the option of taking Summer Peacebuilding Institute (SPI) courses that may substitute for a major requirement when approved by the PXD advisor. Exposure to the Summer Peacebuilding Institute of the Center for Justice and Peacebuilding provides students with a unique opportunity to connect with professionals in justice and peacebuilding and related areas of practice.
The major consists of the following 36-38 SH.
Foundation (12-14 SH)
- PXD 151 Exploring Conflict and Peace
OR SOC 101 Intro to Sociology - 3
- PXD 225 Theories of Social Change - 3
- PXD 431 PXD Practicum - 1-3
- SOC 336 Methods of Social Research - 3
- STAT 120 Descriptive Statistics - 2
Core theory (12 SH)
- PXD 331 Restorative Justice and Trauma Awareness
OR THEO 323 Biblical Theology Peace/Justice - 3
- *PXD 335 Understanding Violent Conflict - 3
- PXD 345 Peacebuilding Theory and Action - 3
- *SOC 255 Social Movements - 3
Core practice/skills (6 SH)
- *PXD 261 Community and Conflict Analysis Techniques - 3
- PXD 341 Mediation and Facilitation - 3
Electives (6 SH)
- Any course not taken above
- BUAD 465 Project Management and Grantwriting - 3
- *ENGL 344 Ways of War and Peace - 3
- *PXD 451 Program Evaluation - 3
- SOWK/SOC 210 Social Stratification - 3
- SOWK 330 Social Policy Analysis - 3
- SOWK 360 Race and Gender - 3
Summer Peacebuilding Institute
Students have the option of choosing one course to replace one core course as approved by PXD advisor