Political Science Major (47 SH)

Political Science Major (47 SH)

This major requires 47 semester hours including a required WCSC term which also fulfills the EMU Core requirement for cross-cultural learning, thus requiring only 37 SH beyond the WCSC term.

Requirement (16 SH)

  • PHIL 201 Introduction to Philosophy - 3 
  • POL 111 Comparative Politics - 2 
  • POL 112 American Politics - 2 
  • POL 113 International Relations - 2 
  • SOC 336 Methods of Social Research - 3 
  • SSC 490 Social Sciences Capstone - 
  • STAT 120 Descriptive Statistics - 2 

Choose among the following courses to equal at least 10 SH (with a semester WCSC term) or 12 SH (with a summer WCSC term). Two courses must be 300 or 400 level:

  • *POL 220 US Foreign Policy - 3 
  • *POL 230 International Norms and Institutions - 
  • *POL 250 Law, Justice and the Local Context - 3 
  • *PPX 371 Peace and Security in East Asia - 3 
  • *PPX 401 Human Rights and Dignity - 4 
  • *PPX 405-409 Topics in Politics and Peace Studies - 3-4 
  • *PPX 421 Genocide of the 20th Century - 4 
  • *PPX 431 Political Reconciliation - 4 
  • *PXD 365 Social and Political Economy - 3 

Choose two of the following courses (in conjunction with a semester WCSC term) or three (in conjunction with a summer WCSC term). One course must be upper level:

  • ECON 201 Survey of Economics - 3 
  • *ECON 311 Contemporary Economic Issues - 
  • *HIST 251 History of Africa - 3 
  • *HIST 391 The Birth of Modernity in Europe: The Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries - 3 
  • *HIST 411 The History of Recent America, 1941-Present - 4 
  • *HIST 432 History of the Middle East - 3 
  • LEAD 300 Leadership Theory and Practice - 
  • *PHIL 412 Philosophy of Religion - 
  • *PXD 335 Understanding Violent Conflict - 
  • PXD 485 Global Development - 
  • *REL 201 Introduction to Religious Studies - 3  OR REL 223 World Religions - 3 
  • *SOC 255 Social Movements - 3 
  • SOWK 330 Social Policy Analysis - 3 
  • SOWK 360 Race and Gender - 3 
  • *THEO 412 Liberation Theologies  OR THEO 323 Biblical Theology of Peace and Justice - 

Washington Community Scholars' Center (10-15 SH)

Political science majors must complete a semester (15 SH) or summer (10 SH) in the WCSC program.

Students choosing a summer WCSC term will take two additional courses from the above lists to fulfill the 47 SH requirement.

Students are highly encouraged to complete an international cross-cultural experience as well, especially if they are interested in transnational or international political issues.

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