Leadership Minor (18 SH)

Leadership Minor (18 SH)

Nearly all working professionals with a bachelor's degree end up in organizational leadership roles. This minor prepares graduates to serve and lead in their own professional field area, regardless of university major or working career. This interdisciplinary minor starts with a small foundational core and then branches to discipline-specific leadership courses.

The leadership minor consists of the following courses for a total of at least 18 SH:

  • BUAD 221 Principles of Management - 3 
  • LEAD 300 Leadership Theory and Practice - 3 

Choose three of the following courses:

  • *BUAD 321 Human Resource Management - 3 
  • BUAD 331 Organizational Behavior - 3 
  • BUAD 461 Strategic Leadership in Organizations - 3 
  • *CHST 372 Church Leadership for Transformation - 3 
  • *ENVS 325 Environmental Ethics - 2 
  • *ENVS 365 Environmental Risk and Policy - 2 
  • PSYC 221 Social Psychology - 3 
  • PSYC 231 Applied Behavior Analysis - 3 
  • PSYC 301 Psychology of Interpersonal Relationships - 3 
  • *PSYC 351 Positive Psychology - 3 
  • PXD 341 Mediation and Facilitation - 3 

Choose additional courses to reach 18 SH:

  • ENVS 429 Environmental Sustainability Internship - 3 
  • ENVS 430 Environmental Sustainability Capstone - 2 
  • LEAD 281 Leadership Practicum - 1 
  • LEAD 481 Leadership Internship - 1-3 
  • NURS 429 Leadership Practicum - 3 
  • PSYC 483 Psychology Internship II - 2 
  • PXD 441 Leadership Practicum - 1 

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