Religious and Intercultural Studies Minor (18 SH)

Religious and Intercultural Studies Minor (18 SH)

The minor in religious and intercultural studies consists of 18 SH which will complement other Bible and religion majors and serve students interested in intercultural ministry in fields such as business, education, nursing, peacebuilding and development, and social work. It offers two tracks: religion, which focuses on deepening understanding of religion and how Christian witness is carried out in a variety of religious settings, and theology, which strengthens understanding of the biblical and theological foundations for Christian witness. Both tracks emphasize Anabaptist understandings of peace as central to intercultural ministry.

Religion Track 

  • CHST 312 Missiology - 3 
  • REL 223 World Religions - 3 

Choose two of the following courses:

  • CHST 462 Mission Practicum - 3 
  • PXD 341 Mediation and Facilitation - 3 
  • *REL 201 Introduction to Religious Studies -

Choose two of the following courses:

  • PSYC 221 Social Psychology - 3 
  • PXD 375 Globalization and Justice - 3 
  • *REL 310-315 Topics in Religion - 3 
  • *REL 423 Judaism, Christianity, Islam: Comparative Monotheisms - 3 
  • THEO 323 Biblical Theology of Peace and Justice - 3 

Theology Track

  • CHST 312 Missiology - 3 
  • PXD 375 Globalization and Justice - 3 
  • THEO 323 Biblical Theology of Peace and Justice - 3 

Choose one of the following courses:

  • CHST 462 Mission Practicum - 3 
  • THEO 201 Introduction to Theology -

Choose two of the following courses:

  • *BIST 223 Four Portraits of Jesus: Reading the Gospels  OR *BIST 323 Life and Letters of the Apostle Paul -
  • *BIST 341 Old Testament Studies - 3 
  • *PHIL 412 Philosophy of Religion - 3 
  • PXD 485 Global Development - 3 
  • REL 223 World Religions - 3 
  • *REL 423 Judaism, Christianity, Islam: Comparative Monotheisms - 3 
  • *THEO 310-315 Topics in Theology - 3 
  • *THEO 412 Liberation Theologies - 3 

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