Neuroscience Minor (18-21 SH)

Neuroscience Minor (18-21 SH)

Multiple disciplines have begun to incorporate neuroscientific methods to better understand human behavior (e.g., cognitive neuroscience, neuroeconomics, etc.). A minor in neuroscience will help prepare students for graduate studies in the neurosciences, as well as help students to be savvy consumers in careers advocating "brain-based" practices.

  • *BIOL 478 Advanced Neurobiology -
  • PSYC 101 General Psychology - 3 
  • PSYC 331 Abnormal Psychology - 3 
  • *PSYC/BIOL 451 Neuropsychology - 3 
  • PSYC 499 Independent Study (research in a neuroscience topic) -

Choose one of the following courses:

  • BIOL 447 Advanced Human Physiology -
  • PSYC 341 Cognitive Psychology - 3 
  • PSYC 342 Cognitive Psychology for the Health Sciences -

Choose one of the following courses:

  • BIOL 255 Biology Research Seminar - 1 
  • PSYC 311 Psychological Research Design and Analysis -

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