Political Science Minor (18 SH)
Political Science Minor (18 SH)
A minor in political science is designed to introduce students to the basics of the discipline and is highly recommended as a complement to any major hoping to work toward advocacy in their field. Although not required, political science minors are strongly encouraged to do an appropriate internship through the Washington Community Scholars' Center (WCSC).
- POL 111 Comparative Politics - 2
- POL 112 American Politics - 2
- POL 113 International Relations - 2
Choose three of the following courses to equal at least 9 SH. At least two courses must be upper level:
- CCPOL from semester cross-cultural experience - 3
- PHIL 201 Introduction to Philosophy - 3
- *POL 220 U.S. Foreign Policy - 3
- *POL 230 International Norms and Institutions - 3
- *POL 250 Law, Justice and the Local Context - 3
- *PPX 371 Peace and Security in East Asia - 3
- *PPX 405-409 Topics in Politics and Peace Studies - 3-4
- *PPX 401 Human Rights and Dignity - 4
- *PPX 421 Genocide of the 20th Century - 4
- *PPX 431 Political Reconciliation - 4
- PXD 365 Social and Political Economy - 3
- Choose one 200-level or higher 3 SH course from HIST, ECON or PXD.
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