Pre-Art Therapy Concentration

Pre-Art Therapy Concentration

The pre-art therapy concentration will prepare you for graduate studies in art therapy helping people express themselves using the creativity of painting, drawing or other artistic means. You will take a combination of art and psychology courses that are pre-requisites for graduate school programs in art therapy.

Education majors with a lisensure in art will also benefit from this concentration. You will be able to apply the concepts learned in this concentration in your classrooms and teaching practice. 

Concentration for Psychology major: 18 VACA credits

  • (Any of the courses listed below can be used as a core class except the Intermediate and Advanced Studio courses)
  • VACA 121 Drawing - 4 
  • VACA 131 Three-Dimensional Design - 4 
  • VACA 222 Painting - 4 
  • VACA 232 Ceramics - 4 

Choose one of the following courses:

  • VACA 332 Intermediate Ceramics - 2 
  • VACA 434 Advanced Drawing - 2  
  • VACA 435 Advanced Painting - 2 

Concentration for VACA major in Studio Art: 15 Psychology credits 

  • PSYC 202 Developmental Psychology - 3 
  • PSYC 311 Psychological Research Design & Analysis - 3 
  • PSYC 331 Abnormal Psychology - 3 
  • PSYC 361 Theories of Personality - 3 
  • PSYC 391 Introduction to Counseling - 3 

Concentration for Art Education major: 9 Psychology credits

  • PSYC 331 Abnormal Psychology - 3 
  • PSYC 361 Theories of Personality - 3 
  • PSYC 391 Introduction to Counseling - 3 

Students majoring in disciplines outside of Psychology, Studio Art, or Art Education need to complete the VACA courses listed in section 1 and the Psychology courses listed in section 2 to receive a concentration in Pre-Art Therapy.

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