History Major (33 SH)

History Major (33 SH)

A major consists of 33 SH including:

  • HIST 101 US History I: Race and Reason (to 1860) - 
  • HIST 102 US History II: Mechanization and Modernization (1860-1918) - 2 
  • HIST 103 US History III: Power and Paradox (1918-present) - 
  • HIST 121 Global Past I: Civilization (to 1400) - 
  • HIST 122 Global Past II: Modernization (post-1400) - 2 
  • HIST 123-126 Global Past III: Comparative Themes - 2 
  • HUM 200 Foundations of Humanities - 2 
  • HUM 490 Seminar in Humanities - 4 
  • Additional HIST, HUM, OR CCHIS courses - 15

Majors are strongly encouraged to divide their courses among various regions and periods. In addition, majors contemplating graduate study in history are advised to acquire a high level of proficiency in at least one foreign language. It is also strongly suggested that majors do both a semester long cross-cultural and the WCSC program.