Student Teaching and Coursework
Student Teaching and Coursework
The student teaching semester includes two student teaching placements and the course ED 411 Reflective Teaching Seminar. Additional coursework is strongly discouraged. Student Teaching takes precedence over all other activities for the semester and is to be seen as a full-time, full load program. In the event that a student needs to enroll in additional classes during student teaching, written permission must be granted from the Teacher Education Admissions Committee. TEAC reserves the right to deny any additional course requests.
Procedures and Guidelines for student teachers who request to take an additional class during student teaching include the following:
- The semester prior to student teaching, the prospective student teacher should submit a letter by December 1 or May 1 requesting permission to take a course while student teaching to the Teacher Education Admissions Committee and send it to the teacher education program office. The letter needs to include justification for needing to take a course while student teaching and provisions made for assuring that it will not interfere with the student teaching experience.
- If approved, coursework must be confined to hours that do not interfere with student teaching responsibilities.
- If during Student Teaching there is indication that additional coursework hinders student performance and jeopardizes student success in completing the program, the Director of Clinical Partnerships in conjunction with the Teacher Education Admissions Committee (TEAC) has the right to ask the student to drop the additional class and/or student teaching for the duration of the semester.
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