Creation Care Council

Creation Care Council


The Creation Care Council works to develop strategies and long term plans for sustainability on EMU’s campus. The council works to advocate for sustainable practices, environmental stewardship, and advance the conversation around climate and environmental justice.

The council works to:

  • Support initiatives from students, faculty, and staff that amplify the work of sustainability practices at EMU.
  • Guide and implement strategies to meet EMU’s Climate Action Plan, to achieve climate neutrality by 2035.
  • Advise and make recommendations to the Sustainability Coordinator on all issues related to sustainability on campus.


Any member of the campus community is invited to participate and submit ideas. Decisions are made by consensus.


The EMU President will appoint a Vice President from the President's Cabinet and SGA will appoint a student senator to serve as representative. The remaining members should consist of a minimum of one staff person from Facilities Management, one or more students chosen by Earthkeepers and/or Sustainable Foods Initiative (SFI), three additional faculty appointed by the Provost's office representing a wide variety of academic departments, two additional staff members-at-large, and the EMU Sustainability Coordinator. 

Additional Creation Care Council membership is open to anyone wanting to serve as a sustainability ambassador and agent of change. Contact the Sustainability Coordinator if you’re wishing to join and represent your department, club, or area of campus.

Faculty representatives serve three-year terms.


Sustainability Coordinator



Meetings are held approximately monthly, as needed and called by chair

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