Institutional Review Board Committee

Institutional Review Board Committee


The committee reviews and approves research on human subjects, except where such research is exempted as described in the Institutional Review Board policy. The committee may also review policy and procedure related to other research issues (e.g., animal care and use and scientific integrity).


At least three faculty members holding the terminal degree. At least one of these faculty members should have primary concerns in scientific areas and at least one should have primary concerns in non-scientific areas. The IRB will also include the director of institutional research and effectiveness, a community member who is not affiliated with the University, and student representatives selected by SGA.

Faculty representatives serve three-year terms


Determined by committee at first meeting


The committee reports the findings of its reviews and approvals to parties submitting proposals for review.


The board meetings are scheduled at the beginning of each semester, but traditionally take place the first week of each month.

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