Convocation Planning Committee

Convocation Planning Committee


The committee provides visioning and direction for all aspects of the convocation graduation requirement program including Wednesday morning convocation programs, convo breakout gatherings, alternative convocation points events, and data collection and management related to scanning student IDs documenting their involvement. Hosting one Wednesday morning convocation program and/or a convo breakout gathering series per semester is expected. The committee reflects the diversity of the campus community for addressing the concerns and needs of the EMU community.


university chaplain, dean of students, student life operations coordinator, three or four appointed faculty or staff (representing the EMU Core, Committee on Diversity and Inclusion, Center for Interfaith Engagement, and Athletics), two undergraduate students (at least one from SGA)

Appointed faculty serve three-year terms


university chaplain


meeting notes stored in a shared Google Drive


monthly meetings (at least 4 per semester)

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