Institutional Effectiveness

Institutional Effectiveness


The Institutional Effectiveness Committee (IEC) sets policy and guidelines for institutional effectiveness, supports activities to create awareness and understanding of the institutional effectiveness process, monitors annual institutional effectiveness reports and evaluates the adequacy of the institutional effectiveness process on campus.


Community input is provided through representation on the committee, which includes faculty and administrators from academic and non-academic divisions. When deemed necessary, committee members seek wider input. Agenda items are channeled through the VP for institutional effectiveness, who chairs or co-chairs the committee. IEC makes policy recommendations to the Provost's Council and/or the President's Cabinet.


Provost (ex officio), vice president for institutional effectiveness, faculty to represent each of the schools, and accreditation support specialist from the institutional research office, representatives from student life, institutional systems, marketing and financial aid.

Faculty representatives serve three-year terms


Vice president for institutional effectiveness chairs or co-chairs with staff from IR office


Communication flows to the community from the chair of the committee via e-mail or memos as deemed necessary. Other opportunities for disseminating information include faculty/staff meetings. Policies are included in the Institutional Effectiveness Policy and Procedures document.


The committee meets 1-3 times per semester with offline work conducted by committee members between meetings (e.g. review of program/department institutional effectiveness reports).

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