Core Committee

Core Committee


To facilitate the development of a revised general education curriculum. To assure implementation and monitoring of transition to the new general education
curriculum. To review assessment of general education outcomes and oversee the improvement plans. To continue to solicit, facilitate, and process proposals for new courses and designates, changes to general education, etc. To collaborate with accelerated degree programs as they shape general education offerings. To attend to equity and inclusion in our processes and curriculum development.


Core director, intercultural program director (or deputized committee member), Writing program director (or deputized committee member), Faculty representatives, (aim for alignment with curriculum as the curriculum develops, may need additional reps), faculty representation from each of the three schools, representative for accelerated degree programs, member of the Dean team, CODI representative (may overlap with another rep role, but we should be attentive as folks shift on and off the committee), administrative support, *Registrar, *Career Services director, *Student Life representative (particularly in connection with Convo programming), *Institutional Research (as we embed assessment), *Admissions/Marketing, *Student representative, *Membership requested during the Gen Ed revision phase, may continue if both bodies deem it important.

Faculty representatives serve three-year terms


Core curriculum director


Reports to Academic Council


Monthly meetings; more for subcommittees during Core revision

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