Coordinated Community Response Team (CCRT)

Coordinated Community Response Team (CCRT)


The Coordinated Community Response Team (CCRT) is a multidisciplinary team of campus and community partners that meet regularly to assess, plan, monitor, and evaluate campus sexual and relationship violence response and prevention efforts. The goal of the CCRT is to better equip EMU to have an effective, trauma-informed response to incidents of sexual and relationship violence; to increase services and resources for victims/survivors of sexual and relationship violence; and to establish new campus norms that are intolerant of sexual and relationship violence. The CCRT is mandated by EMU's Office on Violence Against Women (OVW) grant to prevent dating and domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking on campus. In addition to quarterly meetings, the following CCRT working groups meet regularly in the 2022-23 academic year: campus education working group and cultural competency working group.


Decisions related to sexual/relationship violence response and prevention on campus. This includes decisions about policy changes, updates, or proposals; development of or updates to response protocols; and campus prevention activities. Working groups bring decisions, products, and other outputs to the larger CCRT for review. Approval of CCRT decisions related to student programming are through Student Life. Institutional changes are approved through the Provost's Council.


Permanent members include EMU's Office on Violence Against Women (OVW) Project Director, Dean of Students, Title IX Coordinator, Coordinator of Campus Safety and Security, and Counseling Services Lead Counselor. The CCRT includes representatives from the President's and Provost's offices, Student Life departments, Athletics, the Intensive English Program, Academic Access, Lancaster and DC sites, faculty, and the undergraduate and graduate student body. Membership also includes representatives from the following community agencies: Collins Center, Harrisonburg Police Department, Sentara RMH, and First Step. CCRT membership is open to any interested member of the EMU community.


The CCRT is chaired by the Dean of Students, and working groups are chaired by members of the CCRT. 


Communication flows from working group chairs to the larger CCRT via meetings and email. Communication flows to the campus community from the CCRT chair via email.


Meetings of the full CCRT occur twice each semester. Working groups meet every 4-6 weeks.

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